遺産分割協議書の認証翻訳Agreement on Division of Inheritance
公文書翻訳・契約書翻訳・法律翻訳のリーガル公認翻訳サービスに携わるリーガルトランスレーション栄古堂-リーガル翻訳事務所では、アメリカのATA、オーストラリアのNAATI公認翻訳士を中心としたプロフェッショナル・トランスレーターやパラリーガルのチームを結成し、翻訳業務範囲を公文書翻訳・契約書翻訳・法律翻訳に特化し、法的専門性の高い文書の高品質な翻訳、アメリカのATA、オーストラリアのNAATI公認翻訳士による翻訳証明書の認証及び公証役場、大使館の公証取得サービスを低価格でご提供させていただいております。国際翻訳家連盟(Federation of International Translators、略称FIT)の正会員で認定プログラムを確立した翻訳者・通訳者の団体に所属する公文書の翻訳に於ける資格あるプロの翻訳者 (Authorized Translator) が翻訳文を認証し、適法に翻訳証明書 (Certificate of Translation)又、必要に応じて法定宣誓書(STATUTORY DECLARATION FOR TRANSLATORS DOCUMENTS TRANSLATED FOR A CANADIAN TRAVEL DOCUMENT APPLICATION)を発行します。リーガルトランスレーション栄古堂-リーガル翻訳事務所は、世界のトップランナーを維持するため日夜努力を重ねる日本企業の信頼できるパートナーとして「法律翻訳」、「契約書翻訳」、「公文書の公認翻訳」に於ける一層のサービス向上を目指します。
リーガル翻訳 - 公文書の翻訳証明+公証取得サービス
リーガル翻訳における法律関係の規定は、法律行為の翻訳文書の誤りまたは不正確さが重大な法的影響を引き起こす可能性があります。 このため、各国の受理機関に提出する法律文書の公式翻訳には一定の資格が必要とされることがあります。リーガルトランスレーション栄古堂は、アメリカ大使館のLanguage Services(通訳・翻訳者リスト)、カナダ大使館の通訳・翻訳者リスト、フィンランド大使館の翻訳事務所リストに掲載されている、 相続などの目的で、公的機関に提出する公文書の翻訳証明書付きのリーガル翻訳、および公証取得などの要求に適切な対応ができるリーガル翻訳事務所です。国際翻訳家連盟(Federation of International Translators、略称FIT)の正会員で認定プログラムを確立した翻訳者・通訳者の団体に所属する公文書の翻訳に於ける資格あるプロの翻訳者 (Authorized Translator) が翻訳文を認証します。
翻訳対象書類 | 翻訳言語 | 翻訳対象書類 | 翻訳言語 |
公正証書遺言書 | 英語 | LAST WILL & TESTAMENT | 日本語 |
日本語 |
宣誓供述書 | 英語 | ||
死亡届・死亡診断書 | 英語 | ||
登記簿謄本 | 英語 | ||
戸籍謄本 | 英語 | ||
除籍謄本 | 英語 | ||
改製原戸籍謄本 | 英語 | ||
住民票 | 英語 | ||
印鑑登録証明書 | 英語 |
遺産分割協議書(Agreement on Division of Inheritance)
Legal domicile of the family: ******************
Final address: *****************************, Japan
Inheritee’s full name: ***************(Deceased on ** **** ****)
Concerning the inheritance of the inheritee as the result of agreement to divide said inheritance between multiple inheritors, each inheritor shall be entitled to a division of said inheritance in accordance with the following; all the inheritors having agreed to said division.
1. The inheritor ************* shall acquire the following properties and assets.
Share: 1/2
Location: ********************, Japan
Land number: ***********
Classification: Residential land
Area: ***.** square meters
Share: 1/2
Location: ********************, Japan
House number: *************
Classification: Residence
Structure: 2-storey wooden tile-roofed house
Floor area: 1st Floor: **.**m2
2nd Floor: **.**m2
Area: ***.** square meters
(3) All household belongings in the residence
(4) Shares of ************* *** shares
2. The inheritor ********* shall acquire the following assets.
(1) Investment trust ************* * units
3. The inheritor *********** shall acquire the following assets.
(1) Investment trust ********** * units
In the event of the discovery of properties other than the above belongings to the deceased, said properties shall be inherited by the inheritor **************.
All the inheritors have agreed to the foregoing division of the inheritance, in witness of which three originals of this document have been created for each inheritor to retain an original document.
** ******* ****
Inheritor: ************** (Officially Registered Seal)
Address: *******************************************, Japan
Inheritor: ************** (Officially Registered Seal)
Address: *******************************************, Japan
Inheritor: ************** (Officially Registered Seal)
Address: *******************************************, Japan
1. ********* is husband of the late, *********.
********* is father of the late, *********.
********* is mother of the late, *********.
2. The maiden name of ********* is *********, who was born the first daughter of ********* and ********* in *********.
She married ********* in ********* and changed her name to *********.
********* died in ********* in *********.
********* and her husband, ********* had no children.
3. The above facts are all stated in the separated paper 1 (CERTIFIED COPY OF FAMILY REGISTER issued by *********, the mayor of *********, *********, ********* Prefecture as of *********) and separated paper 2 (CERTIFIED COPY OF RESIDENT REGISTER issued by *********, the mayor of ********* as of *********).
In the Japanese legal system, CERTIFIED COPY OF FAMILY REGISTER and CERTIFIED COPY OF RESIDENT REGISTER each local mayor issues are used to prove any individual facts including birth, names of his/her parents, marriage, and existence of children, and in fact, such facts must be proven with the CERTIFIED COPY OF FAMILY REGISTER and CERTIFIED COPY OF RESIDENT REGISTER.
It means that the above facts such as birth and death of ********* were already proven by the CERTIFIED COPY OF FAMILY REGISTER and CERTIFIED COPY OF RESIDENT REGISTER mentioned above; therefore, there is no need for more proceedings such as certificate by the court and attestation of a notary public in Japan and moreover, there is no possibility of obtaining those certificates.
4. The Japanese law (Civil Law) provides as follows:
Since ********* did not leave any will, the heirs to *********’s estate shall be her father (*********), mother (*********) and husband (*********), and the partition of *********’s estate may be freely settled upon consultation between those three heirs.
If the results of estate partition consultation are based on each party's true intention, they will be valid in law, and there is no need for any other certificate by the court and attestation of a notary public.